Travel Site Profiles Ken (And Notes His “Air of Goofiness”)
So here is one writer’s take on Ken Budd, author of The Voluntourist: “He never takes himself too seriously. He is a realist, but has a bigger heart then he’ll openly admit. The author, hiding between two covers, spills 200 pages of his confessions and hilarious musings.” That description came from writer Nick Wright, editor of, for a July 9 piece on the site. In a fun and wideranging interview, Ken discusses The Voluntourist, his volunteer work in six countries, and the culture shock he felt at each place, from Kenya to China. Adds Wright: “The most important things we experience are often the smallest. It’s hard to see these moments when they happen and to give them the appreciation they deserve. The joy of reading The Voluntourist is that we witness Ken as he learns to appreciate these fleeting moments, and in doing so, learns to appreciate the smallest parts of himself.” Oh yes—the piece notes that Ken has “a certain of air of goofiness.” (“I love that,” says Ken. “I think ‘air of goofiness’ would be a really bad name for a cologne.”) offers info on volunteer travel, studying abroad, and other types of experiential travel. You can find the GoOverseas piece here.